Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Oh, You're from Maryland, WooooW!"

One of the funniest things that we've experienced since living out west, is the reaction we get from people when we tell them we're from Maryland. All of our lives the "Where are you from?" conversations have gone something like this:

"Oh hey where are you from?"


"Cool, gotta love them O's"


"Where did you say you were from?"


"Cool. So what's up today?"


"You're from Virginia right?"

"No, Maryland actually..."

"Oh, yeah I've been to the Harbor, cool stuff"

Yeah, so nothing beyond that. But here in Utah, it's a completely different story. We can't remember all of the conversations that we've had with people. But it seems like the general idea about the location of Maryland is below:

So yeah, Maryland = North Africa.

Who knew?

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