Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting Ready To Leave The House: aka Musical... Clothes

We discovered this morning, after putting on our 4th outfit for the day, that getting dressed to leave is the everyday activity equivalent of  playing musical chairs. Or even hot potato... those are two totally different games, but both imply this sense of lots of change with a time limit.

For example, we kept changing our clothes this morning until literally the last minute. If we'd had more time we would have changed our outfit as many more times as we had time for.

We hate it.

Do you have trouble getting ready?


  1. All the time, I always ask my man what I should wear. Turns out, he doesn't care. Haha.

  2. Haha, that's totally legit. I feel like half the reason it takes me so long to get ready is because I'm going to see some boy I like.. or MIGHT see a boy that I like, but jokes on me cause he (if he even exists) doesn't care.
