Monday, March 14, 2011

Huffington Post Living Section Talks About Dreams; Bores Us To Death

The Living section of the Huffington Post is up to its usual tricks. While recently perusing the headlines we came acrossT* what looked like a promising article, "What Is The Significance Of Dreams."

Fooled you too didn’t it? Yeah, of course you'd think this was interesting because everyone wants to know what their dreams mean, and the HuffPostLiving knows it!

Side note: We’ve actually heard that if you wake up with a strong emotional connection to your dream, you should write down as much as you can remember, all details etc, and then try to go back to sleep. This causes a shift in your brain that when you wake up the second time, you will know exactly where your dream came from. Crazy eh?

False, our side note is totally made up, but at least it’s interesting. This article is about desires/blah blah/ reality/ blah/ lack of fulfillment etc etc etceteraaaaaa

We couldn’t read it all. Could you? 

ps. We know that acrosst isn't a word, but people pronounce it like that out here all the time, so we thought we'd give it a try...

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