Friday, March 11, 2011

Would You Rather Have Your Problems, Or Someone Elses?

Earthquake info/pictures here.

It's so crazy actually. When we were looking at the headlines about Japan, right next to it were equally horrific headlines about Libya. If you lived life just reading the news and doing nothing else, you'd think the world was a complete mess.

Do you think the world is a complete mess?

One of our favorite quotations is a line from Hamlet. Hamlet, while talking about dealing with his problems says that maybe he'd "rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of".

What about you? Here at YogueIN, we know there are a lot of problems in the United States but we think we'd rather deal with these ills rather than fly to the earthquake/war/genocide ones that we know not of.

What do you think? Would you trade?

1 comment:

  1. This is a good question and one that I was thinking about this morning. The Japan earthquake/tsuanmi is unreal. As brutal as my problems seem to be...I'd rather deal with them...
