Friday, March 25, 2011

YogueIN Etiquette Rule Of The Day: Speaker Phone

The conversation should always go something like this:

Gwen (turns on the speaker phone): Hey Dev, you're here on speaker, Meredith says hi

Dev: Hey Meredith

Meredith: Hey


So this is actually making the best out of not an ideal situation, ideally Gwen wouldn't answer the phone on speaker just in case Dev didn't want to talk to Meredith and vice versa. There is a reason that Dev wasn't calling Meredith. But the good news is, you've alerted the caller to the fact that a. other people are listening, and b. just in case caller (Dev in this case) still wants to say something crazy, you let Dev know that it's Meredith in the room so at least Dev doesn't say anything bad about Meredith.

Also, it's never a good idea to talk on speaker phone in the same room where someone is watching a movie. We know what you're thinking, and the answer is apparently it doesn't. Apparently that tip doesn't not go without saying.

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