Monday, March 21, 2011

YogueIN Unknowingly Participates In The Bloggers Day Of Silence for Japan

We just read an article about how on Friday March 18th there was a Bloggers day of silence. We quickly checked our blog and realized that we didn't blog on that day, so that was pretty cool to realize that we were totally a part of something bigger than ourselves because of this blog, like ya know??

Ha, but seriously, we were thinking about Japan the other day. We've not read any reports about the Japanese people looting, murdering, and/or raping each other in refugee camps. It seems that those types of articles always accompany a disaster of this magnitude. Have you seen those types of reports? Yeah, we think it speaks so highly of the culture and the society etc. What are your thoughts about that?

Our best friend in high-school was half Japanese, we've not spoken to her about any of this, and we're wondering even right now if the area impacted her and her family in any way... They were a pretty cool family her Dad (not Japanese) spoke the language perfectly, as did she and her brother. She's now in medical school, and he is in law school we're pretty sure. She also had one of those names where you always said her first and her last name together...

What are we even talking about? How did we get on this topic? Are you still reading this?

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