Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ask Gwen: Girls & Heels

Dear Gwen,

I have a good friend who wears really high heels but doesn't know how to walk in them. She is always doing that teeter-totter-toe-toe walk that I'm sure you've seen girls doing. I'm just wondering, as a friend, is it my responsibility to tell her that she looks ridiculous? I love her so much! Please help!


Dear SickOfLookingAtIt,

I think this is a really good question. I've mentioned many times before that this is not a fashion blog, but it does seem like your question deals more with your responsibilities as a friend rather than your friend's choice of footwear. Instead of telling your friend anything that will hurt their feelings, just direct her to YogueIN! Below is a video that I took off of YouTube that demonstrates how to walk in heels.

I chose this video because the girl talking keeps pronouncing "heel" like "hill" (ie:"Don't put all the weight on the hill of your foot in your high-hills") And because she doesn't start giving any really useful advice until 2:21. 

Always remember, hill heel than toe!


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