This is one of the most important social concepts to understand. It is known as the "Stiff arm". While normally understood as a physical move in Football or Rugby, it is possible to "Stiff arm" many things in your life in order to increase your happiness and your sanity.This definition below is taken from a Wikipedia article about stiff-arming. We're going to edit the paragraph (our edits are in red) so you can see how it applies to ones social life:
A stiff-arm fendmaywill hopefully causetackleryour brutal coworker/responsibility/invitation to a brutal activity/critics to fallto the ground, taking him/her/it out ofthe playyour life. Even if thetacklerperson/phone call/activity/job keeps its feet (metaphorically speaking), it becomes impossible for it tocomplete a tackle ruin your life, as it cannot come close enough towrap his arms around the ball-carrierannoy/hurt/offend/kill you.
A well-executed stiff-arm fend can be a very powerful offensive weapon. InAustralian football everyday relationships, it can allowa playeryou to break free fromanimminent packpeople who tell long stories or who insist on making you talk about your feelings all.the.time, often completely changing the direction ofplayyour mood. Inrugby and American footballeveryday relationships, the stiff-arm fend can be effectively used to fend offpursuing defendersbrutal people, brutal circumstances and brutal thoughts. We encourage you to use it often and well.
ps. The full Wikipedia article is here, if you read it thinking about what we've just talked about it, it's very funny and informative.
This is the most fantastic definition of all time.