Saturday, April 23, 2011

Timmy Text Message Comments On Crazy 14 Year Old Texter

As a text message expert, I will be the first to point out that having the ability to text message automatically puts a person into a crazy place. This otherwise normal person, now has the ability to say something without anyone looking at them.

Think of all of the things you would do in the physical world if no one could see you. For example, you may return to dessert table for that 4th piece of cake, you may go for a run but start walking after one block... or even turn around and go home, you may pull out a wedgie and then shake someones hand. 

All of these things are impossible when someone is looking at you, but would you do these things if no one could see you?

That is the problem with texting. You cannot feel the immediate effect of your text and so it's much easier to do. Think of the sales pitch, "No payments for 6 months!!" You think, 6 months will never come, of course I'll purchase this item. Same with this text, they can't see my face, this isn't real life text text text text text.

 I can't even pretend to know the thoughts of this14 year old girl who felt like she should harass her cancer surviving friend . . . but I imagine her thinking . . . actually I imagine her not thinking. Just texting.

So, my comments have gotten a little long winded. Just remember, to text is human to speak divine.

Yours in the virtual world, 


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