Friday, May 13, 2011

Showing Concern Through Facebook: Wrong Way To Do It

We've seen this type of thing on Facebook too much. A Facebook profile announcing that a break-up has occurred and then people's friends taking that as an opportunity to be brutal. The correct response for the person who ended his relationship would have been to definitely NOT respond to this guy. For two reasons:

  1. 1. His concerned friend shouldn't have said anything on Facebook. He should have texted/called/emailed or whatever.
  2. 2. He spelled real with a z. 

If you feel like you need to respond, immediately divert the conversation away from the topic. Say something like, "Hey, I misplaced that *insert anything* you let me borrow, I can return it asap" This accomplishes two things:
  1. It throws your brutal friend of the scent, he/she will forget all about what is happening and be like "oh yeah, I need that back" 
  2. Your ex reads that and is like "wow, he's over it"

But a passive aggressive response (see above) just turns your FB wall into a reality show and you immediately become Heidi Montag and your day can't get much worse than that.


(side note: Props to the guy whose relationship ended though, he has a really good FB pic.)

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