Monday, May 2, 2011

Uh Oh! Bin Laden Alive?

We already established in our previous post that this whole Bin Laden business is in fact reality and not an episode of 24, but if we’ve learned anything from Season 1 of 24 (and we’d like to think we have) it’s that there can always be a huge twist that you’re not expecting! (ie: Nina being the bad guy putting brutal Terry and Kim in danger the entire time and ultimately killing Terry because Terry was SO brutal heard her speaking german and could then connect Nina to terrorist cells that were based in Germany). 
So what if the twist is that Osama Bin Laden is a. alive b. has been dead since September 12, 2001 c. never even existed!!??!!
We don’t know.
Additionally, why did they bury his body at sea? 12 hours after they shot him in the face? Of course we’d all want to be sicked out by pictures of his dead body! What does this all mean!?!
Apparently, 24 has ruined our ability to ever believe anything.
Trust No One. Actually that’s X-Files. We’re dead.
But before we died, we texted an avid YogueIN reader for her opinion and she said, 
“I think I’ll believe it for now, but I won’t be surprised if there’s a Bin Laden tape a couple months from now”

What do you think?? Who would gain from a fakeOsama and a subsequent fakeOsamaDeath???

Ps. Is this the dumbest thing you’ve ever read?

update: Apparently a whole bunch of people are feeling like Osama is still alive, and they are being called "deathers" (relating them to the people who demanded to see Obama's birth certificate, ie. birthers) anyway, we don't want to be in either of those groups, so WE BELIEVE! (kind of...)

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