Tuesday, May 3, 2011

YogueIN Prediction: Bin Laden Situation Creates New Excuse/Joke For World To Use

Haha actually this can be used in so many ways, here are some examples:

"Hey are you still dating that guy?"
"Ugh, No! I totally buried him at sea!" ---translation--- "Yeah, I text him everyday and look at all his fb pics before I go to bed but he won't talk to me and I hate my life"

"Hey! You look great! You look like you lost 10 lbs!"
"Yeah buried those 10 lbs at sea! Booyah!!" ----translation---- "Yeah I'm wearing spanx... . . "

"Hey, are you and Jessica friends again?"
"Omg! Yeah! That fight is totally buried at sea!"----translation---- "I hate her."

So as you can see, lots of ways to use the line "buried at sea" and people will definitely know what you really mean.


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