Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Timmy R. Text Message: Oh No, I'm Stuck!

Dear Timmy Text Message, 

What do I do when I know that someone is texting me just because they hate whatever else they're doing, and they just want to be distracted...but in distracting themselves they are forcing me into a really boring text convo? Please help!

Dear Trapped,

It has been a while since I've dealt with any text message difficulties and I am happy to tell you that the solution to your problem is very simple. The first thing to remember is to never let anyone make you feel trapped in a text message conversation.

The great thing about text is that the person with whom you're speaking can't see you, and for all they know you A. Didn't get his/her text B. You're driving C. Someone came to the door D. You're dead. etc, etc, etc.

There are millions of excuses reasons as to why you can't respond, but the best and most important excuse is that you just didn't feel like it.

Now, I have a sister (and I know Gwen Wyntour subscribes to this belief) who feels that not responding to a text is rude. "Timmy, everyone knows that everyone always receives the texts as soon as it is sent, so it's just rude not to respond", so if that is the case, and you feel like it's rude, then you can wait until either one of you responds with simply: "haha" or " :)" or "lol". Waiting for any one of these responses will alleviate any guilt you may feel, because these words/abbr/symbols, when texted alone. mean that the conversation is officially dead/the worst.

It is now socially acceptable to put your phone down, and metaphorically walk away.

With love and devotion,
Timmy R. Text Message III

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