Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ask Gwen

Dear Gwen,

Why do you hate to blog? And why do you love to tell us you are going to be blogging... and then proceed to not blog?


Dear Angry,

We love to blog, but did not anticipate that our change of location would change everything else so drastically. The news is different out here... and frankly, we're not sure what to write about. We haven't found our niche in Salt Lake City culture. Some things we've been thinking about?

1. Where are all the black people?
2. When did "Mountains" become "Moaw - ains"? Whatever the name, they are beautiful
3. How many bottles of lotion can one person use in a week?
4. Why are all the homeless people in the library? Is it like this in every city?
5. Which place has a better public transportation system: Ghana or Salt lake City?
5a. Ghana!
6. Is Twilight Saga: Eclipse just as ridiculous regardless of what city you watch it in?
6a. Is our bad grammar in item # 6 a result of being out west or being out of school for so long?
7. Is Yogue still in?

Lots of questions, not as many answers. Give us time.


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