Thursday, August 5, 2010

Texting Boys; How To Do It; TRUTHzone reports..

We're not sure.

But we know how NOT to do it. This is a really important post, so you need to read the whole thing.

Background: One of our roommates called this guy while she was at the store she said, "Hey what are you doing" he said "I am at my house", she said "could you come to the grocery store, and pick me up and take me back to my place" He said, "um yeah... sure".

*********Arrive at our place, he comes inside, chit chat, chit chat, Boy exits***********

Roommate enters my room, "Hey that was so nice of him wasn't it", "Yeah it really was", "I think I should text him and say thank you... do you think that's okay?" "Yeah.. I think that's fine, I mean he did go all the way to Smith's (grocery store) to pick you up" "Okay cool"

Text Message #1: Hey (boys name)! Thanks so much for picking me up today, you are so wonderful! :)! We should get together and play!!

His Reply: No Problem.

This is a really crucial part of the text conversation. Crucial in that it should end here. She said her thing "thanks" he said his thing "you're welcome", he did not use the same crazy "!!!" or " :)" so you can reasonably assume that this guy is done texting. Right?

"Gwen, what else should I text him?" "I think that's good for now" "I'm going to text him back a smiley face" "Just a smiley face?" "Yeah! It's cute" "...are you sure... cause like what is he supposed to respond to that?"

Also a crucial thing to consider while texting boys, are you giving him an easy way to respond? Or are you forcing him to look at his phone and immediately delete your text?

"I'm gonna do it!" "... ::looks at computer, disassociates self from consequences of smiley face text::..."

Text Message #2: " :)"

**** exits room *****

**** 10 minutes pass ****

**** returns****

"Why hasn't he responded?" "What do you mean?" "Why hasn't he responded to the text that I sent him?" "The smiley face text?" "Yes! Ugh! Why do guys always do this?" "Wait, what??" "It drives me crazy when guys do this!"

Yeah... this is another REALLY REALLY important moment. If you are feeling crazy, you probably just are crazy, and you definitely should not send any text messages right now. Additionally, notice how we pretended like we didn't know what she was talking about. YogueIN Text Study chapter 4 section 2 states that, "if someone is being crazy and he or she does not know it, the listener or observer needs to act like they don't know what the crazy person is talking about." We're not sure why... but the study says it so... we did it.

"I'm going to text him again"

Text message #3: Hey... did you get my last text?

His reply: yeah...?

Text message #4: : )





"UGH, why does he never respond?!"

So in short long (sorry) there are a couple things to remember when texting boys:

1. Sending smileys alone is tough, there's nothing to say in return
2. Don't text while feeling crazy
3. Don't text if you are crazy
4. If a boy does you a favor, he isn't automatically your boyfriend
5. Your roommate isn't listening



  1. And what REALLY would have been nice of the guy was to offer a ride to a from Smiths in the first place -- the whole damsel in distress is not really what guys like (at least not the kind of guys you want...)

  2. But there is no way he could have known to do that. He was just a guy in his house living his life.

  3. haha...i understand wanting to text though, sometimes you just can't help yourself...

  4. This stuff is great!! . . . . and oh so TRUE!!
