Thursday, August 5, 2010

YogueIN Book Club

The first book we'll be reading is : The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

We don't know much about this book, but it's on a couple different bestseller lists. Anyway we are reading it and you can read it if you want to.




  1. A blurb on tattoos: henna kinda is crap. I will now use black nail-polish. It 1. stays on really really well 2. stays on for a reall really long time 3. comes off instantly, whenever you want it to -- with nail-polish remover.

    Not sure if the Austrian bookstores have this book. Must check it out, if Gwen says it is worth reading. I do everything that is worth it.

  2. N.

    Yeah CD (a fellow Yoguee) says that the book is really good. Word to the wise, which we've recently found out, is that the first 40 or so pages are slow, but apparently the ending is really good.
