Sunday, March 20, 2011

Things We Loved About The Movie Limitless; Spoiler Alert

1. We felt stressed the whole time
2. Bradley Coopers hair when he was on NZT (aka limitless medicine, aka the pill he would take that would expand his brain)
3. The scene where he was able to fight because he remembered all of the fighting shows he'd ever watched as a young kid
4. His wool coat/scarf combination at the very end of the movie
5. His teeth
6. Robert De Niro's character ("right next to De Niro, but I'll be hood forever" -Jay Z)
7. The fact that Bradley's on screen girlfriend didn't betray him
8. Bradley Cooper's shoes in the balcony scene
9. Actually his whole wardrobe
10.This WHOLE movie!!!

You know when you watch a movie like Friday Night Lights and you want to kill the movie and yourself because nothing happens the way you wanted it to? Limitless is the exact opposite of that, it's everything that you could ever be hoping and wishing for in a 2 hour movie.

Also, we love Bradley Cooper, and we feel like it's a real kind of love because we even loved him when he was just Will on Alias.  "Two bottle? four bottles?"

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