Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wyntour Reads Really Interesting Article At Work; Is Still So Surprised; Also Usually Spells Surprised Incorrectly; Gets It Right; Is Surprised Again

Anyone who has ever worked with lawyers knows that there can be a lot of conversations that go like this:

Gwen: Hey, can we borrow that pen?

Lawyer: As the rightful owner of said property and in recognition of the petitioners failure to blah blah

:::Gwen dies::::

:::Lawyer doesn't notice keeps talking:::

Okay so obviously an exaggeration but you know what we mean. We are always feeling like we have to translate what is actually being said to us. Not to mention the fact that the answer/question/conversation whatever it is is always so loooong. Can't it just be "Can I borrow a pen" "no" or "where does this file go?" "over there". The end. No. More. Talking.

It can never be that.

The good news: Today during lunch we read this article that didn't kill us. It was a hard copy article so we don't have a link but basically it was talking about what lawyers, and everyone can do to make their writing/ communication more user/listener friendly. The article was kind of funny also because it talked about how Judges die when reading lawyers briefs and memorandums too! The authors exact words were,
 "Judges are human. I know this because I spotted one at Wal-Mart once. They have lives outside the courtroom and their time... is valuable...deliver the information quick[ly], and make it enjoyable"
So we guess what we're trying to say is that this is a really good article and ..  .... . . .. yeah.

Ps. The title of the article is "Writing to Persuade" - Bryan Pattison


  1. I feel like the reason conversations with lawyers are so long is because they like to hear themselves talk. All that time in law school= longest lectures ever= lawyers needing to talk so that no one else will. They died in law school in lectures so now they think they have to kill everyone else with their words. Kind of like I'm killing you with this comment. :o)

  2. kindof just like that . . . . haha
