Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Boys & Texts: He hates me, He hates me not, He hates me!

Ughhh, boys literally are ruining our lives! Maybe we are ruining our own lives.... We're not sure, at any rate, below is a text message conversation that we had with our neighbor/love of our life. When we came into work today we asked Timmy for his evaluation of the conversation, it's inserted in red.

Me: Hey, are you up at the institute building?

Boy: No, I'm in the library finishing up this paper

Me: Oh yeah what on?

Boy: How professional athletes get special treatment

Me: tough topic, when's it due?

Timmy Text Message says: Sending this text was a most critical error. The boy, who I've already established does not want to be texting anyway, has said that he is working on a paper, which is a polite way of saying, "I am busy right now", instead of taking that subtle hint, you've continued to ask him questions that are none of your business, ie. "what's it on?" "when is it due?" What will you do with this information anyway? Why are you asking him these questions? I anticipate that he will not respond.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::45 Minutes, No Response:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Timmy Text Message says: Just as I thought, now the worst thing you could do, would be to text him again. The worst, worst, worst, text option being "u there?"

Me: K, well whatever the topic, good luck with it!

Timmy Text Message says: If you *had* to text, this was a good option, just passive aggressive enough, and also letting him know that you are done with the conversation as well. Still, a better option, would have been no response at all.

Boy: Sorry, just on a deadline.

Timmy Text Message says: Again, he's telling you he's busy DON'T RESPOND!!!!!

Me: No it's cool, you probably think I'm trying to kill you by way of text messages, but I'm seriously not! I'd like to be friends, just trying to keep in touch :)

Boy: Okay, sleep well.  

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: me thinking, "!?!??!!?!?!?":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Timmy Text Message says: Yes, well, if you were breaking every rule in the text messaging manual while talking to me, I'd probably encourage you to go to bed as well.


Timmy says it's all self sabotage, what do you think?


  1. He said "Sleep well" !?!?!?!? WhAt THE!? I gotta call you about it.

  2. Yeah, Timmy might be right...

  3. Anonymous #1, yeah you do gotta call about this one and Anonymous #2, Timmy is absolutely right! But for some reasons we cannot help ourselves when it comes to text messaging. How can we be helped?
