Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Facebook Stalking: When Have You Looked At His Photos Enough?

We feel like because no one ever knows what we're looking at on facebook we can look at the same picture 1,000 times and that is okay, but we were just sitting here scrolling through SleepWellBoy's photos and got this feeling like "Is it weird that we are looking at the same pictures over and over again". 

What do you think? Are we shady? Are you shady?

update: We found a photo that we had previously missed, and we can tell by the way that he is smiling in the picture that he's really driven and will make a really good dad. Whew! Good thing didn't give up after 999 views.


  1. We know right?! facebook aka shadybook makes you be shady. Also, stopped looking at his photos.
