Friday, April 1, 2011

Wyntour Falls In Love With Boy; Boy Sends Brutal Texts; Doesn't Love Wyntour Back

Boy: Hey sorry it has been a crazy 24 hours.

Gwen: What made the last 24 hours so crazy?

Boy: Just back to the regular schedule. School, football, and work. Did you have a good day?

Gwen: Oh right, spring breaks over?

:::::::::::::::::No response::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::::::::::Gwen starts to get busy with something else::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;

Actually that's a lie, this is what was really happening while he wasn't texting:

But yeah regardless of how we were treating our phone, he still didn't text!

::::::::::::Gwen Makes Huge Mistake; Tries To Be Passive Aggressive To Make Him Respond; Doesn't Work::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Gwen: Okay well have a good night, busy is good :) And good luck this Friday! (because he has a game that we'd talked about in a previous text conversation)

Okay so just to let you guys know, this text (written above) is a loaded text, for the following reasons:
1. We sent it before he responded to our question, which means "You didn't respond fast enough to me so you must hate me so I'm going to get out of this text conversation as fast as I can" 
2. The smiley face ":)" is totally fake.
3. Good luck this friday = We care about his life and want to marry him
4. "Okay well..." actually means "okay forget it" 

So keeping those things in mind, he should have said something like, "Oh hey sorry my roommate came in, yeah spring break is over but we should still hang out" or "Yeah it is :( But where are you?" or anything like that.

His response:

Boy: Thanks, sleep well!


So yeah, it's so over.