Saturday, July 31, 2010

Height vs. HeighTH

There are a lot of things that we've heard people say out here in the couples months that we've been living in Salt Lake City. Here are a few:

1. "I just barely moved in"
2. "Have you seen this movie?" "No, uh huh"
3. "Did you hear that?" "Did I hear wha-ih?"
4. "Just walk acrossT the street"
5. "Get on the I-15" as opposed to "take the 695 west to the 95 south"
6. "She's super mo" (meaning she's very mormon, or very religious)
7. "I'm so jaded today." "What do you mean? Why?" "Like I didn't get a lot of sleep last night." "Oh so you mean you're tired?" "Yeah same thing"
8. "Man, it's going to be sooo weird when this relationship is over, but on the blind side I'm excited to be single"

So yeah, everyone chooses to use english differently and that's toootally cool, but the craziest thing we've heard is the word: Heigth. HEIGTH. heigth.HeigthHEIGTH.
"How tall are you?" "I'm 5'6" "Well that's a pretty average heigTH"

We've never encountered this word before. We talked to our friend Barah Swapp (who finished twilight by the way, will update you on that later) and her explanation was this:

Essentially that people get used to the "TH" sound at the end of words that explain the size of something, so then they'll just add the "TH" sound to height, even though it doesn't really belong. She also explained that perhaps height is a different word from heigth altogether. With a different usage and definition, thus suggesting that people aren't saying anything wrong, they're just saying something different than we had originally assumed. We have not researched either theory.

So, what is it? Height or Heigth?

Should we lose weight this summer or should we use weigth?

You tell us.


  1. EXspecially or supposeBLY are others...

  2. or responDsible, as in able to respond?!

  3. or bolth as opposed to both. "Bolth of us are going over there"
