Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rookie Blue; Weirdest Kissing Scene We've Ever Seen


Did you guys watch the most recent episode of Rookie Blue?

Basically what happens is that 3 of the rookies (McNally, Epstein, and Nash) go undercover to find drugs and whatever else in Canadian gang land "gang land".

While undercover McNally runs into this guy that she's in love with (another undercover cop named Swareck -- we will never google how to spell his name)

 ok so long story short they start kissing but it's like not kissing it's this weird moving and looking at each other and then like a fast shirt rip and then a pick up and then another look at each other and it's just soo weird. 

Anyway, it was on the most recent episode of the show, we couldn't find a clip of it, but these are the two characters that have the weird kiss:

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