Thursday, November 3, 2011

Television Show Review: REVENGE

One of our favorite pastimes is finding really bad shows (ie. bad acting, unbelievable plots lines, actors using accents that they haven't mastered yet, sounds of high heels on wood when the actor is obviously walking on carpeted floors etc) that are actually good.

Revenge is one of those shows.

In a nutshell, this show is about a girl who's father was killed because this group of rich people in the Hampton's (for whatever reason) set him up to look like a terrorist. The girl, Emily Thorne (formerly Amanda Clarke), is now 15 years older with a new name and a lot of money and has come to the Hampton's to exact revenge on all of these people.

What makes it good: Every episode something happens, kind of like on the O.C. Someone is always dying or losing all of their money thanks to Emily Thorne's plans, and Emily never gets caught! Also, whenever she succeeds, or is about to succeed, she makes this face:

The Downside: These types of plot twists every episode are unsustainable. For example, we remember in college when the O.C. was what everyone was watching every Thursday night, 5 months later, it's like "Who is the world is Marissa Cooper?" and if you could answer that question it was really embarrassing. Our advice to Revenge? Take some tips from Dawson's Creek, they didn't have Joey and Dawson kiss until the very end of season 1, and so it kept us watching least until Season 2 episode 1. haha. jk what?

We could have a lot more thoughts about this show but we're running out of steam.

BOTTOM LINE: You should watch at least 1 episode, and then let us know what you think:

ps. Our little sister wrote a review on this show too, we're anxious to know her thoughts as well.

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