Saturday, August 27, 2011

Major Brain Freeze

Dear Yoguees,

Actually, after we titled this post we realized that a "Brain Freeze" is when you drink something cold too fast, and then you get that sharp headache. It's NOT when you have a blog that you haven't written on for  56 weeks because you can't think of anything to say. Still, we now feel a connection to the title "Major Brain Freeze" and so we're going to keep it.

A couple thoughts:

1. Kim Kardashian's Wedding - We're not sure how we feel about this whole thing. Actually we are completely sure. Even though everything probably cost 1 billion dollars and they're probably a great family, we didn't like Kim's head piece and so it ruined the whole thing for us. But this People magazine with her on the cover is selling really well, check out the boring article here.

1a. Speaking of Kim Kardashian - We must get a boyfriend, and we must get our picture taken with him exactly like this photo of Kim and Reggie.

2. Bad Words - We never swear. But we've made the executive decision that if a script calls for bad language use, we're just going to do it, and say it, and hate ourselves later for it. The show must go on.

3. WP's / WPJ's - There's nothing really to say here. Stiff arm. Big time.

4. GQ Magazine - We read an edition (is that the right word?) of this magazine at the gym the other day and is has skyrocketed to our top favorite magazines list. Unlike a lot of other magazines these days with articles that are like "100 Ways To Be More Inappropriate Tomorrow Than You Were Today!!!!" These articles are actually really funny and informational. Most of the writers use a conversational tone, that is really easy and fun to read, and the humor is right up our alley. Way to go GQ. Needs Improvement: Cosmopolitan

4a. Cosmopolitan Magazine Revisited - To be fair, we just took this quiz: Do You Make A Fabulous First Impression? and scored really well:

5. Marriage - Many of our college friends are getting married and instead of feeling like our lives are over we are too preoccupied by the number of spiders we've seen in our room over the last 2 days to care.

So these are the top 5 things that have been on our mind for the past half an hour or so. Some honorable mentions would be 1. Hurricane Irene 2. Mila Kunis 3. Essence Magazine and 4. Rick Perry.

Anyway, what are you guys thinking about?

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